Marketplace for Clairvoyant Services

The project of an online marketplace website for mediums, clairvoyants, and psychics.

Marketplace for Clairvoyant Services > Intro

1 year (ongoing)


Web Development


E-commerce & Online Marketplaces



Online marketplace

Users can see the best-rated psychics on various platforms.

Public rating

The marketplace gathers reviews from other platforms to show authentic feedback.

Detailed categories

The marketplace provides a vast list of categories from tarot to astrology.

Psychic profiles

A profile contains a photo, short bio, status, specialization, reviews, and price.


Project Idea

Our client partnered with us to reach a wider audience by creating a marketplace where clairvoyants from different clients’ brands could be aggregated and offer their services to the public. The platform needed to include a rating system and categorization by topics.


  • Project manager
  • Three Full-Stack Engineers
  • QA Engineer
  • Teach lead


Project manager

Three Full-Stack Engineers

QA Engineer

Teach lead


Marketplace for Clairvoyant Services > WireframesMarketplace for Clairvoyant Services > Wireframes

Key functions

The list of top specialists

Psychics in each category are listed according to their rating. All reviews are collected from various platforms to create an honest and objective list.

 Marketplace for Clairvoyant Services > Special > The list of top specialistsMarketplace ellipse

Relevant information

The website constantly updates its content with the help of a parser to provide users with the most recent and relevant information about psychics.

Marketplace for Clairvoyant Services > Special > Relevant informationMarketplace ellipse


Each psychic has a profile with a short bio, main areas they work with, reviews, price, and availability status (available, busy, and offline).

Marketplace for Clairvoyant Services > Special > ProfileMarketplace ellipse

Technology Stack

The technologies and tools we used on the project include:

Marketplace for Clairvoyant Services > Technology Stack

Challenges and Solutions

Complex logic


The logic of the platform was complex and required substantial research work to make everything function smoothly.


We decided to break the logic into parts and implement it with three applications:

  • Web app — The website itself where all the psychics are listed and users can search for relevant services.

  • Synchronization app — Every ten seconds this tool creates a new cache with the lists of available specialists in all categories and displays it on the web app.

  • Parser — This collects the latest information about psychics from other services and compares it to what is already in the database. If there are any updates, it exchanges the old data with the new to keep everything up to date.


The marketplace is available online and we are currently planning additional updates such as a blog and a more complex home page.

Marketplace for Clairvoyant Services Plans