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March 31, 2023

How to Choose Your Best MVP Features List

Good software starts with an MVP. To create one, you need to select MVP features. Read the article to know how to do it.

Alex Drozdov

Software Implementation Consultant

Developing an MVP is a crucial step in the software development process. Building an MVP allows businesses to test their product idea, gather user feedback, and make data-driven decisions about future development. This article will discuss the core features of a successful MVP for a software product (web platform, mobile app, cross-platform software—anything you want to develop) and how to choose the necessary features to make your MVP efficient and useful.

What does MVP mean?

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. It’s a product development strategy in which a company or individual creates a very basic version of the product with only the essential features. Its primary purpose is to solve a specific customer problem or satisfy a customer need. An MVP plays a significant, even a main role in testing and validating the product idea with the target audience. The feedback from the testing is used to make improvements and iterate toward a more refined and robust product.

MVP Illustration

From startups to automotive production, the concept can apply to almost any product or industry, but it is most commonly used in software development. For an application or a website, an MVP includes only the main features that make the software usable, helping users reach their main goal. 

Why do you need to choose and prioritize MVP features?

With this step, you can focus on the aspects of your product that will provide the most value to your customers while also saving time, money, and resources. More reasons include:

Why do you need to choose and prioritize MVP features?
  • Speed to market: By focusing on only the most essential features, you can launch your product faster and get it in the hands of your customers sooner.

  • Feedback from customers: An MVP with a small set of features can quickly get feedback from your customers and use that feedback to make improvements and iterate toward a better product.

  • Resource optimization: Prioritizing MVP features can help you avoid wasting resources and reduce development costs.

  • Risk mitigation: With an MVP, you can mitigate some of the possible development risks and minimize the impact of any potential failures.

Choosing and prioritizing MVP features list allows you to focus on what's most important, get your product to market faster, and gather valuable feedback from customers that can be used to improve your product over time.

How to define features for your MVP

Defining features for your MVP solution requires careful consideration of your target audience's needs, pain points, and the problem your product aims to solve. Here are some steps to help you define your MVP features.

How to define features for your MVP

Identify the problem

To define what features to include in your MVP, it's important to start by identifying the problem your product aims to solve. Here is what you can do to complete this step:

  • Conduct market research

  • Define your target audience

  • Conduct customer interviews

  • Conduct competitor analysis

  • Clearly define the problem

By focusing on the most essential features that solve the particular problem, you can develop an MVP that provides value to your target audience while minimizing the resources needed to build it.

Prioritize features

Once you have identified the problem your product aims to solve and brainstormed potential features for your MVP, it's important to prioritize those features to ensure that you are focusing on the most essential elements of your product. By prioritizing your MVP features, you can ensure that you are focusing on the most important elements of your product that will provide the most value to your target audience.

Use a prioritization framework like the MoSCoW method (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have) or the Kano model to help prioritize your MVP features based on their impact on solving the problem. Also, create a roadmap that outlines the order in which you will release your MVP features based on their priority and the resources available.

Create user personas

Creating user personas can be an effective way to define features for your MVP, as this helps you understand the needs, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience. Here are some steps to creating user personas for your MVP:

User personas
  • Define your target audience: Start by defining your target audience based on demographic, geographic, and psychographic factors. Among these are factors such as age, gender, income, location, values, and behaviors.

  • Conduct research: Conduct research to gain insight into your target audience, such as their pain points, challenges, goals, and preferences.

  • Identify commonalities: Identify commonalities among your target audience to create groups of users that share similar characteristics and needs.

  • Create personas: Use the insights and data you have gathered to create a user persona and a user story that represents your target audience. Personas should include details like age, gender, job title, goals, challenges, and behaviors. A user story is a general explanation of how the user sees software features.

  • Prioritize features: We can’t stress the importance of feature prioritization enough. Use your user personas to prioritize features based on how they address the needs and preferences of your target audience. For example, if your user persona is a busy working mom, features that save time and simplify tasks may be a higher priority than features that offer entertainment.

By creating user personas, you can gain a deeper understanding of your target audience and their needs, which can help you develop an MVP that addresses those needs.

Conduct market research

Good market research is essential for your MVP development. It helps you understand the market landscape, identify gaps, and validate the demand for your product. How can you conduct market research for your MVP?

  • Identify your target market: Start by identifying your target market based on factors like age, gender, location, income, and interests.

  • Define your research objectives: Clearly define your research objectives, such as understanding market trends, identifying customer needs, or evaluating competitors.

  • Choose your research methods: Choose the research methods that are most appropriate for your objectives, like surveys, focus groups, or online research.

  • Collect and analyze data: Collect data through your chosen research methods and analyze it to identify key insights and trends. This can include quantitative data such as market size and demographics, as well as qualitative data like customer feedback and opinions.

  • Use the results of your analysis to inform MVP features: Use the insights gained from your market research to define the features that are most important for your MVP. This can include identifying the key pain points and challenges of your target market and designing features that address those needs.

Defining the scope of the MVP

Defining the scope of the MVP is an important step in defining features for your MVP, as it helps narrow down your focus and prioritize the essential features that will provide the most value to your target audience. Here are some steps to define the MVP scope:

  • Determine the core functionality: Identify the core functionality that is required to achieve your key objectives. This should include the minimum set of features that are essential to solving the problem or addressing the need.

  • Define the feature set: Define the feature set that is required to deliver the core functionality. This should include the set of features that will enable your MVP to provide value to your target audience.

  • Set the MVP scope: Use the core functionality and feature set to define the scope of your MVP. This should include the minimum set of features required to launch the product and provide value to your target audience.

Defining the scope of the MVP

Defining its scope can help you launch your MVP more quickly and efficiently while also ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of your target audience.

Test and iterate

Testing and iterating are crucial steps in defining features for your MVP. This allows you to gather feedback from your target audience and improve your product based on their needs and preferences. Here are some steps to test and iterate your MVP features:

  • Develop a prototype: Develop a prototype of your MVP with the minimum set of features required to deliver value to your target audience.

  • Conduct user testing: Conduct user testing with a small group of target users to gather feedback on the usability, functionality, and overall experience of your MVP.

  • Analyze feedback: Analyze the feedback gathered from user testing to identify areas of improvement and prioritize the features that require iteration.

  • Iterate and refine: Use the feedback to iterate and refine your MVP features, focusing on the areas that are most critical to your target audience.

  • Test again: Conduct another round of user testing with the updated MVP to validate the changes and gather further feedback for further iteration.

  • Repeat until satisfied: Repeat the iteration and testing process until you are satisfied with the product and confident that it meets the needs and expectations of your target audience.

Core features of a successful MVP

MVPs for different projects will have different feature lists. However, there are several abstract, yet still important, parts to consider.

Core features of a successful MVP

Core functionality

When choosing the core functionality for your MVP, it's important to focus on features that solve a specific customer pain point and provide a unique value proposition. The selected features should be essential for the product's initial launch and should not include nice-to-have features that can be added later. Prioritizing features based on customer feedback and market research can also help select the core functionality.

Simple and intuitive user interface

The MVP interface should be easy to navigate, with clear and concise labels, icons, and buttons. The design should be consistent throughout the product, focusing on functionality rather than aesthetics. A good user interface reduces user frustration and confusion, resulting in higher engagement and retention rates. A well-designed user interface can make the difference between a successful MVP that attracts early adopters and a product that fails to gain traction in the market.


An important feature for your MVP is performance. Users expect fast and responsive software that can handle their needs without delay or interruption. To achieve optimal performance, it's necessary to optimize code and data structures, minimize network requests, and implement caching strategies. Additionally, the software must be tested thoroughly to ensure it can handle a high volume of users and data without crashing or slowing down.

Measuring and monitoring performance is also crucial to identifying and addressing any bottlenecks or issues that may arise. This includes monitoring server response times, database performance, and user experience metrics like load times and error rates. By prioritizing performance in the development of their MVP software, businesses can provide a high-quality user experience that will increase user satisfaction, engagement, and retention.


The software should be able to scale horizontally or vertically, with the ability to add more servers or resources as needed. It's also recommended to use caching and load-balancing techniques to distribute traffic and improve performance. Scalability is not only important for the success of the MVP but also for the long-term growth and success of the product. A scalable product can handle increased demand, new features, and changes in the market, ultimately leading to a better user experience and higher customer satisfaction.


Security is an essential element of any software product, including an MVP. It's important to implement proper security measures like user authentication, data encryption, and secure coding practices. The product should also comply with relevant industry standards and regulations, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for data protection.

Illustration Security

To identify vulnerabilities and mitigate potential risks, regular security audits and penetration tests are recommended.The software should also have a disaster recovery plan in place to ensure business continuity in case of a security breach or system failure.


Analytics allows the product team to collect and analyze user data, such as user behavior and usage patterns, make data-driven decisions, and improve the product. The data can help identify areas for improvement, prioritize features, and measure the success of the product. Analytics should be integrated into the product from the beginning and should comply with relevant data privacy regulations.

Feedback mechanism

A feedback mechanism will allow users to provide feedback on the product, including bugs, feature requests, and overall user experience. It should be easy to use and accessible within the product, like a feedback form or a chatbot. It's also recommended to provide users with updates and responses to their feedback to build trust and engagement with the product.


The MVP should be compatible with a range of devices, browsers, and operating systems to ensure accessibility and reach a wider audience. Compatibility testing should be conducted to identify potential issues and ensure a consistent user experience across different platforms.

How can we help you?

With Yellow, you'll get technical expertise and a wealth of experience to help develop a high-quality MVP that meets industry standards. We can provide a dedicated team who can work collaboratively with you to ensure that your MVP works like clockwork.

Our team also provides project management and support throughout the development process, ensuring that the project stays on track and meets your objectives. We help you prioritize features, identify potential risks and challenges, and make data-driven decisions based on analytics and user feedback. Feel free to drop us a line to create a perfect MVP.

How can we help you


Building MVP software requires careful consideration of various factors, including core functionality, user interface, performance, scalability, security, analytics, compatibility, and feedback mechanism. Working with a software development agency can provide several benefits to a business, including technical expertise, project management, scalability, and flexibility. A successful MVP can provide valuable insights and feedback from users, which can inform the development of future versions of the product and help businesses achieve their objectives.

💻 How many features should an MVP have?

An MVP should have enough features to solve the core problem or meet the primary need of the target audience. The number of features included in an MVP should be limited to avoid unnecessary complexity and ensure the product can be developed and tested quickly.

💻 Why should I define and prioritize features for an MVP?

Defining and prioritizing features for an MVP allows for a clear focus on the core functionality, ensures efficient development, and enables effective testing and validation of the product.

💻 How can I prioritize features for an MVP?

Prioritizing features for an MVP can be done by identifying the most critical and valuable features, considering the impact on the user experience and the business objectives, and evaluating the feasibility of development within a given timeframe and budget.

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