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What are the Benefits of DevOps for your Business Preview

December 8, 2021

Top 10 Benefits of DevOps for Your Business

Though DevOps might seem something of a buzzword, rest assured it’s not another fad. Read our new post about what DevOps is and how it helps build sustainable and secure software products.

It would be an understatement to say that the world is changing beyond fast. Every day new software appears on the market, new development tools are created, and new marketing campaigns are launched. To make your software solution stay afloat and up to date, you should consider implementing a DevOps approach. The benefits of DevOps implementation will definitely improve the efficiency of your team and improve the development process.

In this article, we are going to discuss what DevOps is, how your specialists can adopt it, and what challenges you may face. Now, let’s start with the definition of DevOps.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software engineering practice bringing together software development and operations. It is usually looked at both from the technological and philosophical perspectives.

Technologically, DevOps is all about boosting application development quality and speed and minimizing errors through the automation of crucial routine processes. As a way of thinking, DevOps focuses on unifying traditionally isolated engineering, operations, and testing teams through continuous learning, expertise sharing, and communication.

Automation of the application development processes, such as building, testing, deployment, maintenance, and monitoring, is one of the DevOps benefits that can save your project in some situations. Another advantage of this practice is building a bridge between support specialists who monitor the system for issues and certain engineers who can solve those issues.

Now, let’s go into more detail and see why DevOps is needed and exactly how it can make the life of the team easier at each stage of project development.

What are the benefits of DevOps for business?

Here comes the main part: How DevOps can upgrade the quality of your software. There are many benefits of DevOps for business, but here is our top ten:

Faster delivery

DevOps turbocharges the software development lifecycle, enabling businesses to roll out updates and features at breakneck speed. By fostering a culture of collaboration and automation, DevOps eliminates bottlenecks, streamlines processes, and accelerates the delivery pipeline. This means your brilliant ideas transform into tangible results for your users faster than ever, giving you a competitive edge in today's dynamic markets.

Improved communication and collaboration

When a team starts to use DevOps practices, its members become happier and less stressed. DevOps allow them to focus on the cooperative goal and help them reach it. With a more successful team, there is more room for experimenting and innovation. The combined work of every team member makes processes clearer.

Better customer experience

This benefit stems directly from what we mentioned above. Customers will experience faster updates and better usability which means they will be happier with what you offer them. Also, you can react to the customers’ feedback right away. It will help you build more trustful relationships with your clientele.

More innovation

The DevOps approach encourages a culture of innovation within organizations. By fostering collaboration and automation, teams can experiment with new ideas, implement changes more easily, and iterate rapidly. This promotes a dynamic and adaptive environment that is conducive to creativity and innovation, allowing businesses to stay ahead in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

Reduced costs

Who doesn't love savings? DevOps isn't just about speed; it's also about efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks, optimizing resources, and catching bugs early in the development process, DevOps helps trim unnecessary costs. It's like having a financial advisor whispering in your ear, guiding your business to operate leaner and meaner without compromising on quality.

Strategic alignment between IT and business

By integrating development and operations processes, DevOps ensures that IT initiatives align with broader business objectives. This alignment enhances the overall organizational strategy, ensuring that technology initiatives contribute directly to business success and growth.

Tighter security

DevOps takes security seriously by integrating it throughout the entire development lifecycle. Security measures are no longer an afterthought but an integral part of the process. This means fewer vulnerabilities and a stronger defense against cyber threats. It's like having a dedicated guardian angel ensuring the safety of your digital assets.

Reliability and scaling with minimum risks

By automating testing and deployment, it minimizes the risk of errors slipping through the cracks and improves your software’s agility. This ensures that your systems are not only reliable but also scalable. It's like building a skyscraper on a solid foundation – the higher you go, the more confident you become in the stability of your structure.

Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD)

One of the most vivid advantages of DevOps is shifting to continuous integration, delivery, and deployment. What does that mean?

It means that every line of code your engineers commit to a repository will be automatically built and tested to make sure the code is always ready to be delivered to an end-user. The actual deployment takes place in the background, without a single interruption in the work of the application, right when it’s needed.

On the other hand, if the build hasn’t been completed successfully, all concerned engineers will be immediately notified via email, in a messenger app, or in any other way and will be able to quickly handle the problem.

Stability in the operating environment

Stability in the operating environment is a direct outcome of DevOps practices. Automation and rigorous testing contribute to a stable production environment, reducing the likelihood of system failures and downtime. This stability is crucial for businesses, ensuring that their services are consistently available to users, thereby maintaining customer trust and satisfaction.

Challenges of DevOps

You have probably already guessed that implementing DevOps is not a breeze. We are going to describe several challenges you can encounter and the ways to overcome or avoid them.

Cultural resistance

Moving from traditional development practices to DevOps can be frightening for both team members and top managers. Some people can take it personally when you tell them that they need to change something. Your task here is to make clear for everyone that DevOps will be beneficial to the team.

How to deal with it:

  • Present it not as a quick revolution (it’s impossible anyway) but as a gradual evolution

  • Start small: Choose a small project or a particular part of code to implement DevOps for the first time

Toolchain complexity

When you adopt DevOps for your team, it’s easy to get distracted by the pool of fancy new tools that will be useful for DevOps. However, without the proper org structure, the implementation of DevOps practices can get confusing and difficult to use.

How to deal with it:

  • Move the focus from tools to your team

  • Arrange the ongoing training process

Legacy systems and applications

Even though you may think that your legacy software and infrastructure are working just fine, it will eventually get left behind by more scalable and more modern competitors. Moving from a monolithic architecture to microservices is a complex process that will require a lot of effort and resources.

How to deal with it:

  • Follow the clear strategy of moving to microservices

  • Use infrastructure-as-code

  • Don’t panic

Security and compliance

Integrating security into DevOps processes can be challenging, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations is often a complex task. The fast-paced nature of DevOps can sometimes lead to overlooking critical security measures, exposing organizations to potential risks and compliance issues.

How to deal with it:

  • Adopt a "DevSecOps" approach

  • Establish clear communication between security, development, and operations teams

  • Apply automated security testing, continuous monitoring, and regular audits

Skill shortages

The demand for skilled DevOps professionals often surpasses the available talent pool. Finding individuals with the right combination of development, operations, and automation skills can be challenging, leading to skill shortages within organizations.

How to deal with it:

  • Invest in training and upskilling programs for existing team members

  • Leverage managed services and external expertise for specific tasks

How to implement the DevOps approach to your business?

In order to successfully implement DevOps and stick to this approach, you should consider five main stages of a typical DevOps pipeline: 

Assessment and Planning

Implementing the DevOps approach in your business involves a systematic process that begins with assessment and planning. In this phase, it's crucial to evaluate the existing workflows, identify bottlenecks, and set clear objectives for improvement.

  • Assess current state: Begin by assessing your existing development and operations processes. Identify bottlenecks, pain points, and areas for improvement.

  • Define objectives: Clearly outline the goals and objectives you aim to achieve with DevOps. This could include faster delivery, improved collaboration, and increased reliability.

  • Create a roadmap: Develop a roadmap that outlines the steps and milestones for implementing DevOps. Prioritize initiatives based on their impact and feasibility.

Automation and Tool Selection

The next step is automation and tool selection. DevOps relies heavily on automation to streamline workflows, reduce manual errors, and accelerate the delivery pipeline. 

  • Identify automation opportunities: Evaluate processes that can benefit from automation, such as code deployment, testing, and infrastructure provisioning.

  • Select appropriate tools: Choose tools that align with your objectives. This may include version control systems, continuous integration servers, configuration management tools, and container orchestration platforms.

  • Integration and compatibility: Ensure that the selected tools integrate seamlessly with each other to create a cohesive and efficient toolchain.

Cultural Transformation

Cultural transformation is equally vital. DevOps is not just about tools and processes but also about fostering a collaborative and communicative culture.

  • Promote collaboration: Foster a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility between development and operations teams. Break down silos and encourage open communication.

  • Encourage learning: Promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Provide training opportunities for team members to acquire new skills and stay updated on industry best practices.

  • Lead by example: Leadership plays a crucial role in cultural transformation. Executives and managers should actively demonstrate and advocate for DevOps principles.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is the heartbeat of DevOps. It ensures that software is consistently delivered to production, allowing for quicker and more reliable releases.

  • Implement CI/CD pipelines: Set up automated CI/CD pipelines to enable the continuous integration, testing, and delivery of code changes.

  • Automate testing: Implement automated testing at various stages of the development lifecycle to catch and address issues early.

  • Incremental deployment: Adopt practices such as feature toggles and canary releases to facilitate incremental and controlled deployments.

Monitoring and Feedback

Continuous monitoring ensures that you can respond rapidly to changes, whether they are in the code, infrastructure, or user behavior, thereby improving overall system reliability and performance.

  • Implement monitoring solutions: Set up robust monitoring tools to track the performance, availability, and reliability of your applications and infrastructure.

  • Establish feedback loops: Create mechanisms for collecting feedback from users, monitoring systems, and post-implementation reviews. Use this feedback to drive continuous improvement.

  • Incident response planning: Develop clear incident response plans to address and resolve issues quickly. Use incidents as learning opportunities to enhance system resilience.

Why choose Yellow for DevOps services?

Here at Yellow, you can transform your software development lifecycle with the help of our expertise, dedication, and a commitment to excellence. We will empower your business through streamlined processes, enhanced collaboration, and accelerated delivery.

Any more reasons? Sure!

  • Expertise that delivers

Our seasoned DevOps engineers bring a wealth of experience to the table. From continuous integration to automated deployment, we have mastered the art of integrating development and operations for unparalleled efficiency.

  • Tailored solutions

Recognizing that every project is unique, we customize our DevOps solutions to align with your specific needs. Our tailored approach ensures that you get the most out of your DevOps implementation, optimizing your workflow for maximum productivity.

  • Seamless collaboration:

At Yellow, the DevOps practices foster a culture of collaboration between development and operations teams, promoting faster communication, and ultimately, better software.

  • Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD)

Stay ahead of the curve with our robust CI/CD pipelines. We implement automated testing and deployment processes, enabling you to deliver high-quality software at an unprecedented pace.

  • Security first

Security is at the core of our DevOps practices. We integrate robust security measures throughout the development lifecycle, ensuring that your applications are not only efficient but also resilient to cyber threats.

  • Cost efficiency

Our DevOps strategies are not just about speed; they are about optimizing costs. By automating repetitive tasks and minimizing manual interventions, we help you achieve cost efficiency without compromising on quality.

  • Client-centric approach

Your success is our priority. We work closely with you to understand your goals and challenges, providing solutions that align with your business objectives. Our client-centric approach ensures a partnership that goes beyond mere service provision.


Though DevOps really makes lives easier, especially when it comes to big, constantly evolving projects, one should remember it’s not a magic pill that can be taken once and then put away until it’s needed again. DevOps business benefits can be noticed and estimated only in the long run.

This practice can’t be introduced by simply hiring a “DevOps engineer” or reducing manual testing. It requires a wide and carefully selected methodology of changing the mindset of every team member toward understanding and adopting all DevOps values and putting them into practice.

Implementing DevOps practices in a business environment can yield a multitude of benefits, making it a pivotal strategy for modern enterprises. DevOps, which is a combination of development and operations, fosters collaboration and communication between these traditionally siloed teams. Additionally, the increased collaboration between development and operations teams reduces the likelihood of errors and enhances overall product quality. In essence, the adoption of DevOps is not just a technical evolution but a strategic move that can positively impact the efficiency, competitiveness, and overall success of a business.

Every detail — from how team members communicate with each other, how willingly they share project information, to how they approach tasks and challenges — contributes to adopting the DevOps culture within the company. It’s a good idea to take a strategy of small steps to make sure you don’t miss a thing. The DevOps Checklist is a nice thing to help on the road.

So, what are the business benefits of DevOps? The answer lies in its ability to transform and optimize the entire software development and deployment lifecycle.

♾️ What is the future of DevOps?

Microservices will be adopted by more and more companies, security will become a top priority, more AI/ML tools will be used, and automation will continue to spread among various processes. Also, AI-driven decision-making and a stronger focus on end-to-end value stream management will be present as organizations continue to strive for faster, more efficient software delivery processes.

♾️ What impact does DevOps have on the speed of software development and deployment?

DevOps significantly accelerates the speed of software development and deployment by fostering collaboration, implementing automation, and promoting continuous integration and delivery practices, enabling organizations to respond swiftly to changing market demands and deliver high-quality software at a rapid pace.

♾️ What tools and technologies are commonly used in DevOps implementations?

Popular tools in DevOps implementations include Jenkins and Git for continuous integration, Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and orchestration, Ansible and Chef for configuration management, and monitoring solutions like Prometheus and Grafana, reflecting the diverse set of technologies aimed at optimizing development, testing, and deployment processes in a DevOps environment.

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